Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

va rog cine ma ajuta dau coroana inima tot ce pot​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dkfkxkdksodnfjj

Hi! I am Nora! I have a brother and a sister, and we are from Bornheim (but my mum is from Leipzig). Bornheim is not a town - it's a small village. It is near Cologne, and Cologne is a big town. Cologne is great. It has great concerts.

My school is not in Bornheim. It is in Bonn. My school is big and new. I like my school and my timetable is OK. My art teacher and my class teacher are nice.

I have friends here in Bornheim. They are cool. But my best friends, Tina and Lena, are in Bornheim. They are in England!

sper că te-am ajutat!!

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