Engleza, întrebare adresată de lumy13, 10 ani în urmă

Va rog ,cine se pricepe la engleza sa imi traduca textul :
Viitorul ne rezerva multe, este o ușă cu multe surprize . Toți avem idealuri , ne dorim o viata care poate atinge perfectiunea. De mici copii am avut idei schimbătoare in ceea ce privește meseria noastră . Insa , eu de când eram mica îmi doream sa devin medic. De ce vreau sa devin medic ? Pentru ca este o profesie care ma reprezintă si mi-ar placea foarte mult. Una dintre pasiunile mele este medicina , pasiune ce a rămas vie de-a lungul anilor ce au trecut. Multe persoane își aleg o meserie care nu le place , le ocupa mult timp si de fapt nu e meserie pe care și-ar dorio ei , de aceea eu nu vreau sa fac o viață intreaga ceva ce nu mi-ar placea doar pentru bani, chiar dacă o sa muncesc mult pentru acesta realizare. Pentru mine meseria de medic este cea mai importanta , ființe o meserie prin care poți salva vieții. Eu m-qm hotărât să-mi ghidez pașii spre o meserie de medic tocmai pentru a reda zambetul oamenilor care imi vor calca pragul viitorului meu cabinet (medical). Aceata meserie are si dezavantaje cum ar fi timpul petrecut in facultăți si ani in care ai de învățat foarte mult .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maduta3
The future book many, is a door with many surprises. We all have ideals, we want a life that can achieve perfection. For small children we had exchange ideas in terms of our business. But since I was little I wanted to be a doctor. Why I want to become a doctor? Because it is a profession that is me and I would like very much. One of my passions is medicine, passion that remained alive throughout the years have passed. Many people choose a job that they do not like, they take a lot of time and actually not trade that would Dorio them, so I do not want to make a life around something that I would like just for the money, even if you work hard for this achievement. For me being a doctor is the most important, being a trade that can save lives. I decided I qm guide me the steps to a medical profession smile just to play people that I will step into my future cabinet (medical). Track the job has disadvantages such as time spent in college and year in which you learned a lot.
Răspuns de nadejdacorina
The future book many, is a door with many surprises. We all have ideals, we want a life that can achieve perfection. For small children we had exchange ideas in terms of our business. But since I was little I wanted to be a doctor. Why I want to become a doctor? Because it is a profession that is me and I would like very much. One of my passions is medicine, passion that remained alive throughout the years have passed. Many people choose a job that they do not like, they take a lot of time and actually not trade that would Dorio them, so I do not want to make a life around something that I would like just for the money, even if you work hard for this achievement. For me being a doctor is the most important, being a trade that can save lives. I decided I qm guide me the steps to a medical profession smile just to play people that I will step into my future cabinet (medical). Track the job has disadvantages such as time spent in college and year in which you learned a lot.
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