Engleza, întrebare adresată de geogi2010, 10 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valley

She bore the basket on her head - Ducea cosul pe cap
I beat you at chess! Hahaha! - Te-am batut la sah, hahaha!
He became the best football coach in the world - A devenit cel mai bun antrenor de fotbal din lume
I began writing my thesis - Am inceput sa-mi scriu teza de doctorat
The car door was bent in the accident - Usa de la masina s-a indoit in accident
That is the horse I bet my money on - Acesta e calul pe care mi-am pariat banii.
Serfs in the Middle Ages were bound to the land - Iobagii din Evul Mediu erau legati de pamant
He bit the bait - A muscat din momeala
He went on and on about how unfair this is - A vorbit intruna ce nedreapta e situatia
We gave the waiter a tip - I-am dat chelnerului un bacsis
I got a puppy for my friend - Am luat un catelus pentru prietenul meu
He froze in his tracks when he saw the bear - A inlemnit in cale cand a vazut ursul.
He forgave the burglar - El l-a iertat pe hpt
A happy parrot flew high into the sky - Uu papagal fericit s-a inaltat sus in cer.
He flung himself in a chair - S-a aruncat intr-un scaun.
The robber fled from the house with the police at his heels - Hotul a fugit din casa cu politia dupa el
Can you fit into this dress? - Te incape rochia asta
The child fought back tears - Copilul si-a luptat sa nu planga
I felt my heart sink - Am simtit cum mi-a cazut inima.
When the apple fell, Newton discovered gravity - Cand a cazut marul Newton a descoperit gravitatia
Rust ate away the pillars of the old bridge - Rugina a mancat stalpii vechiului pod.
I sat in the forest, and drank in the beauty around me. - Am stat in padure si am absorbit frumusetea din jur.
Last night, I dreamed I was flying over the moon - Azi noapte am visat ca zburam deasupra lunii.
The boy did his homework - Baiatul si-a facut temele
He dug up a treasure!Unbelivable! - A scos din pamant o comoara! Formidabil!
He cut the apple in two - A taiat marul in doua
They came to a conclusion - Au ajuns la o concluzie
He caught the ball - A prins mingea.
The queen was clothed in gold and silver - Regina era imbracata in aur si argint
They clapped up a garage - Au incropit un garaj
He cast a glance - A aruncat o privire
I bought a new refridgerator - Am cumparat un frigider nou

valley: imi pare rau dar nu am terminat aici mai sunt ceva exemple
valley: The balloon burst from the heat - Balonul a explodat de la caldura.The house was built around 1850 - Casa a fost construita in jurul anului 1850. I brought supplies for the troops - Am adus provizii pentru trupe.
valley: He broke the vase! - A spart vaza!He kept coming back into the store - Se tot intorcea in magazin. He kneeled beside his sick dog - A ingenuncheat langa cainele sau bolnav.He led his army to victory - Si-a condus armata la victorie.He leaned against the wall in pain - S-a sprijinit de perete datorita durerii.He left in a hurry - A plecat in graba . He will let the parrot out of the cage - A lasat papagalul afara din cusca. I lit the lamp - Am aptins lampa.
valley: I have proved this, so now it is a proven fact - Am dovedit aceasta asa ca acum e un fapt dovedit I paid a lot for the car. - Am dat mult pe masina
valley: Oh I'm sorry. I mistook you for somebody else - O, iarta-ma te-am luat drept altcineva
valley: sper ca te-am ajutat
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