Engleza, întrebare adresată de milionarbrainly0, 8 ani în urmă

va rog,dau coroana!
descrieți-va propria camera in engleza, cu titlul"My room"​

robertel1234: deasemenea

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Amalia463

My Room

The door is white, with some scratches at the bottom from my pug scraping it with her claws. The floor in my room is wooden, and it creaks when stepped on. However, I do have one white, plush carpet approximately in the middle of the floor.To the left of the door is a leather chair, of which is of no particular use, besides hanging half-used clothes on it. Past the chair is my electronic station, where I charge my phone at night, and charge my shaver during the day. Center-left and far-left is my queen-size bed, with white and grey covers, and white and other colors for the blanket. The blanket in particular has a floral design and is heavy. My pillow has a white case and nothing else to it. The frame of the bed is wooden and beige in color.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!

robertel1234: mulțumesc
Amalia463: Pe mine ma cheama Amalia
robertel1234: pe mine Roberta
Amalia463: incantata
robertel1234: deasemenea
robertel1234: nu mă lăsa să văd comentariile îmi spune să răspund la întrebarea pe care am pus o pe celălalt cont
Amalia463: nu stiu de ce
robertel1234: n aveam ce sa fac trb să răspund neaparat
Amalia463: ...
Amalia463: trebuiau sa fie 2 emoji dar s au trimis puncte
Răspuns de robertel1234



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