Engleza, întrebare adresată de SuperIdol, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog!Dau coroana si multe puncte.Va rog multt​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lodkdbdb
Birds usually eat the leftover fruit from the street.

The plant attracts insects when it's rotten and moldy.

The flies are tricked by the stinky lily smell ,a smelly plant

The ptcher plant that's carnivore digests and traps small animals

lodkdbdb: Nu ai mentionat
SuperIdol: poți sa il refaci?
lodkdbdb: Birds are eating the fruit.
The plant is attracting insects.
The smell of stink lilies is tricking the flies.
The pitcher plant is trapping and digesting small animals.

Uite asa?
SuperIdol: cred ca trebuie cum e exemplul ala din manual
SuperIdol: gen cred ca trebuie sa faci cum mi ai răspuns la întrebare cealalta
lodkdbdb: Nu inteleg cum?
SuperIdol: uita te la răspunsul anterior
SuperIdol: gen la al doilea trebuie cu ate sau eaten
SuperIdol: nu știu cum sa explic
lodkdbdb: Birds ate the fruit.
The plant attracted insects.
The smell of stinky lilies tricked the flies.
The pitcher plant was trapping and digesting the small animals
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