Vă rog de tradus în engleză : Eu mă numesc,Bebe,am 11ani.Familia mea este compusă din :mama,tata,unchiul ,matusa bunicul si eu.Numele mamei mele este Oana iar al tatalui Ionut .Pe bunicul îl cheamă Ioan.Când merg la el,mă răsfață cu dulciuri si mă învăța lucruri bune si folositoare.Unchiul îmi face toate poftele si pentru mine e cel mai bun unchi.Mă mandresc cu familia mea si mă simt un copil fericit!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
My name is Bebe I am 11 years old . In my family is my mum,my dad, my uncle , my aunt , ,my grandad and I . My mum's name is Oana and my dad's name is Ionut . My grandad's name is Ioan . When I go he , he ghive my chocolate and learn my good things . My uncle is do my cravings I think he is the best uncle . I pride whit my family and I am feeld a happy children !
My name is Bebe, i am 11 years old. My family is composed by my mom, my dad, my uncle my aunt, my grandfather and me. My mom's name is Oana and my dad's is Ionut. My grandfather's name is Ioan. When i go to him, he spoils me with candies and teaches me good things. My uncle does all my carvings and for me he's the best uncle. I'm proud of my family and I fell like a happy child.!