Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

.va rog din suflet ajutati ma e urgent
dau coroana
pls e urgent
la ambele ex​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de daimyoseppuku


She gets up

She has a shower

She gets dressed

She catches the bus to school

She has lunch at the school canteen

She does her homework

She listens to music

She has dinner

She goes to bed at about ten o'clock

ex 2

neg Sophie doesn't brushes her teeth three times a day.

int Does Sophie brushes her teeth three times a day?

neg She doesn't go to school by bus.

int Does she goes to school by bus?

neg She doesn't listen music.

int Does she listening music?

neg She does not chats with her parents for a while

int Does she chats with her parents?

Utilizator anonim: te rog
Utilizator anonim: și nu poti sa mi fii tata la 20 de ani
Utilizator anonim: ca n ai hormoni etc la 8 ani
Utilizator anonim: deci
IsSnapping1: Sunt random aici but I cannot stop myself from laughing lol. Eu sunt aici doar sa dau lurk si sa rad putin tyvm. Also ma simt prost pt tine bro :|
Utilizator anonim: =(
IsSnapping1: Devii parinte, copil nou in familie :)) lmao
Utilizator anonim: :))
Utilizator anonim: ai fb
IsSnapping1: Sunt tatal lui băsescu, asa ca n am. PA
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