Geografie, întrebare adresată de brrrrrrainy, 8 ani în urmă

Vă rog enorm să ma ajutați la engleză! @alinaolaru75 te rog multt de tot, știu ca ești grozava la engleză!! Dau coronița! Nu ma deranjează dacă răspunsul este scris pe o foaie și trimis ca atașament, este mai ușor asa decât să scrieți :)

Ps:am pus din greșeală întrebarea la geografie srry


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alinaolaru75

Thinking about going out for dinner? or lunch? or maybe invite someone to keep you company? is she/he a friend? or family, or business partner....or...or going by yourself? very single occasion above its about making choices. Each of these situations leads to a various opportunities and can create a good or a bad experience. Before you start making calls you must assure that you know what you want. I'm not talking about the food and the wine, but every single aspect of a extraordinary evening or eating out with friends or familiy. The location is very important, the service, the ambience, the menu, the music all of these must shape your preferences. Even you choose to eat at McDonald's or in a fancy restaurant keep in mind one think: you don't pay for food only but for everything around your table. Having a great gastronomic experience its not en easy task. Fancy fast food with your friends or familiy or street food or a simple picnic in the park it doesn't involve great life changing decisions. Go the the places where you really enjoy the atmosphere. As I said it's not only about food. If you want just to eat you may consider going to the grocery and buy some food and cook it at home. It's about socialising, experimenting new dishes, trying new things, making different choices. Its about being bold and free, about being creative, about memorable time spent with love ones and of course about budget. That is always a wake up call, isn't it?)) There are so many great places you can try and so many options you can choose from that it would be a shame to stay indoors and order food. Just follow your (guts) instinct and create wonderful moments for a lifetime.

alinaolaru75: 5. great experience, " live" cooking, multiple choices of dishes
alinaolaru75: 6. ( care e de fapt 4) open air restaurant: while eating tou can admire the street view, life music, ideal for social distancing
alinaolaru75: sper ca nu e tarziu sa scrii raspunsurile dar aseara am fost mult prea obosita si nu am mai intrat
alinaolaru75: mai poti adauga fast-food: au autoservire, nu servesc alcool, sunt deschise pana tarziu ( chiar non stop), poti manca inauntru, afara sau drive-thru
alinaolaru75: la 1: good selection of wines
alinaolaru75: ca o concluzie : Between restaurant and fast food, restaurant meals are often seen as the "healthier" of the two dining options. Fast foods are often fried and loaded with saturated fat and sodium. 
brrrrrrainy: mulțumesc frumos!! m-ai ajutat extrem de tare
alinaolaru75: cu mult drag
brrrrrrainy: @alinaolaru75 îmi este rușine să îți mai cer încă odată ajutorul dar dacă mai vrei și dacă timpul îți permite poate mă poți ajuta și pe mine la întrebarea la engleză pe care din greșeală am pus-o la română
brrrrrrainy: chiar mă simt prost că iarăși te deranjez. îmi cer scuze :(((
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