Va rog este urgent la 11:30 îmi trebuie dau coroana Af: 5 - was/ were +
Neg: 5 + wasn't/ weren't +
Int: Was/ Were + S + vb. ing?
1. Ea scria o scrisoare la ora 5 ieri.
2. Soarele stralucea cand m-am trezit.
3. Ploua cand am iesit.
4. Ningea pe vremea asta anul trecut.
5. Unde mergeai cand ne-am intalnit?
6. Ce faceai cand te-am sunat?
7. Ei jucau tenis cand a inceput sa ploua.
8. Ma uitam la un film cand mama a venit acasa.
9. Ea nu dormea cand am ajuns acasa,
10. Ne uitam la televizor cand s-a stins lumina.
11. Ningea la munte pe vremea asta anul trecut.
12. Vizitam muzeul cand m-am intalnit cu ei.
13. L-am vazut pe fratele tau cand traversam strada.
14. Ei se plimbau in parc cand a inceput sa ploua.
15. Cand am ajuns la scoala, suna clopotelul
16. El alerga, cand, dintr-o data, a cazut si si-a rupt piciorul.
17. De ce plangea el cand ne-am intalnit?
18. Ce spunea ea cand am intrat?
19. Nu ploua cand ai plecat.
20. Nu dormeam cand m-ai sunat.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.She was writing a letter yesterday 5 o'clock. 2 The sun was shining when I woke up. 3 It was raining when I got out. 4 This period last year it was snowing. 5 Where were you going when we met. 6 What were you doing when I called you? 7 They were playing tennis when it started to rain. 8 I was watching a movie when mom came home.9 She was not sleeping when I got home. 10 .We were watching TV when the light switched off. 11. It was snowing at the mountains this period last year. 12 I was visiting the museum when I met them. 13 I saw your brother when I was crossing the street. 14.They were having a walk in the park when it started to rain. 15 .When I got at school the bell was ringing. 16 .He was running when suddenly he fell and broke his leg. 17 Why was he crying when we met ? 18 What was she saying when I entered. 19 It wasn't raining when you left. 20 .I wasn't sleeping when you called me.