Matematică, întrebare adresată de necoaraalexandra43, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog Exercițiul 3 si 4​


irina23498: vezi ca ai gresit materia =))
necoaraalexandra43: da știu m-am grăbit
necoaraalexandra43: ma ajuți

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dakotgh12

Ex 3

1. They don't watch TV

2. She doesn't have breakfast

3. I don't sit in the garden

4. The sun doesn't shine

Ex 4

2. Are Lucy and Liam watching TV? No, they don't, they're drawing

3. Is Tom listening to music? No, he isn't, he's surfing the Net.

4. Is the dog sleeping? No, he isn't, he's eating the newspaper

5. Is Jane surfing the Net? No, she isn't, she's doing the washing-up.

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