Engleza, întrebare adresată de secareanubarladirb, 8 ani în urmă

Vă rog frumos să mă ajutați!Urgent!
Turn to passive:
4)They throw stones.
5)She doesn't Sell hieroglife house.
6) We are eating bread and butter.
7) They are doing exercises.
8) She isn't watching TV.

secareanubarladirb: La 5 este she doesn't sell hier house.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Turn to passive

Treceți la diateza pasivă



4) They throw stones.

  • Stones are thrown by them.

5) She doesn't sell her house.

  • Her house is not sold by her.

6) We are eating bread and butter.

  • Bread and butter are being eaten by us.

7) They are doing exercises.

  • Exercises are being done by them.

8) She isn't watching TV.

  • TV is not being watched by her.


Succes la școală și pe brainly!

secareanubarladirb: Mulțumesc!
Leonard: Cu plăcere! Am editat răspunsul pentru actualizarea punctului 5, unde lăsasem 2 variante, pentru că părea clar că nu a fost scris exact cum trebuia în cerință.
Leonard: her house - casa ei
secareanubarladirb: Leonard, vezi că la propoziția 5 este hier house nu her house.
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