Va rog frumos un dialog cu una dintre situatii cat de repede!!! Dau coroana!!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
-Hello lady! Could you help me? I think there's someone watching me.
-What are you doing outside, it's kind of late. It's 4:45 p.m.
-Well my mom was at the bus stop and she said she forgot her wallet and told me to stay here and wait for her. And I was bored because I had planned to draw today since it's the weekend.
-I see... Well my name is Lauren Cohan first of all, second of all could you discribe the person that you think was following you?
-I didn't see them, but I felt them. Like it was a monster, not really a human being.
-How about I stay with you until your mom comes?
-That would be great!
After almost ten minutes the boys mother comes:
-Honey! I'm sorry you waited that long but I also had a problem, a person almost fought me for not giving them £3.50.
-Its ok, I forgive you!
Am scris despre cum un băiețel credea că era urmărit de cineva și a ajuns sa o aștepte pe mama lui cu o femeie care l-a ajutat. Scuze da a am scris vreun cuvânt greșit!