Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mahariuka, 9 ani în urmă

Va rog imi scrie si mie cineva in limba engleza un dialog dintre tine si cel mai bun prieten.Dau coroana.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandramarinescu
- Hello ,gabe !
- Hello ,Mary !
-How are you , Gabe ? Why are you sad ?
- We'll , Mary , i don't like the school , i don't understand the math and the homework are so big ...
- Oh , c'mon , isn't so hard ! The school is awesome ! New friends , new teacher , new things ..
-Yeah , that's true , but nobody likes me ..
- Nobody likes you ?! That's just a joke ! I like you ! You are my best friend !
-Seriously ?! You are my best friend too , Mary !
- Look ! The school start ! Come on with me !
- Ok !

Mahariuka: mersi mult
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