Engleza, întrebare adresată de elynicolae4, 8 ani în urmă

va rog mult mă puteți ajuta si pe mine ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariamariaraileanu

1.  I drink water.

I don't drink fanta.

Do you drink coco cola?


I often go shoping.

She rarely goes skydiving

They always drink milk in the morning

Every month he goes to a restaurant


1) go

2)doesn't like

3) do, go

4) live

5) does,rain

6)don't eat


Mary plays tennis with her uncle every Saturday

Young people don't go often at the theatre,they prefer to go to the cinema

He isn't a good example because he doesn't do his homework every day

Do you like apples? No, I prefer peaches

Mom washes dishes every time after dinner

Do you watch TV every evening? No, I usually read books or magazines

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