Engleza, întrebare adresată de rares55133, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog !!! Putefi face cât puteti. Dar măcar 3 ex. Plssss​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de aerto


Ex. 20

1. Is that everything?

2. Can I help you?

3. How many would you like?

4. Would you like some of those?

5. Anything else?

6. How much is that?

Ex. 21

1. How many would you like?

2. Anything else?

3. Have you got any of those Spanish oranges?

4. Would you like some of those?

5. Is that everything?

6. How much is that?

Ex 23

1. After that she's walking in park with Olivia.

2. At 1 pm she's taking lunch with her parents

3. Two hours later she's going to dentist

4. At 6 pm she's taking train to Manchester

5. Finally, at 9 pm she's watching a film with Paula

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