Va rog sa fie foarte simpla ,foarte simpla .Imi pune nota pe ea maine ofer coroana va rog frumos .

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Yes, I think it is necessary to learn the official language of the country where you live because this way you can communicate with the people around you much easier, without mistakes of expression, you can be more discreet and understandable than the other people who know the language you are talk.In addition, we all like to have a better developed diction that we can easily express, to be able to speak grammatically correct
Da,cred ca este necesar sa inveti limba oficiala a tarii in care locuiesti deoarece asa poti comunica cu persoanele din jurul tau mult mai usor,fara greseli de exprimare,poti fi mai discret si mai inteles de ceilalti oameni care cunosc limba pe care tu o vorbesti.In plus,tuturor ne place sa avem o dicție cat mai bine dezvoltata pe care o putem exprima cu usurinta,sa putem vorbii corect gramatical.
In my opinion, people moving to another country should learn the language that is spoken there because other people are not required to learn that language. However, the native language should not be forgotten and the family should be spoken at home.At the same time, if the language spoken is difficult to learn, it should be possible to speak and English is a language known to most people as the national language.
sper ca te-am ajutat si succes la scoala ❣