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Piesa începe cu momentul în care Roderigo, un nobil bogat, i se plânge lui Iago, un militar de rang înalt, că nu i-a spus nimic despre căsătoria secretă dintre Desdemona, fiica senatorului Brabantio, şi Othello un general maur din armata veneţiană. Roderigo este foarte supărat, pentru că o iubeşte pe Desdemona, pe care o şi ceruse de soţie tatălui acesteia. Pe de altă parte, Iago este supărat pe Othello, pentru că acesta îl înălţase în grad, punându-l comandant, pe un anume Michael Cassio, mult mai tânăr şi mai ne-experimentat decât Iago. De aceea îşi propune să se răzbune. Pentru început, îi cere lui Roderigo să-l trezească pe bătrânul Brabantio şi să-l înştiinţeze că fiica sa, Desdemona, plănuieşte să fuga cu maurul. în timp ce întreaga casa a nobilului este în freamăt, Iago se furişează afara şi îl înştiinţează pe Othello de venirea lui Brabantio.
între timp Desdemona, într-adevăr fugise şi se căsătorise în secret cu Othello. Tatăl fetei ajunge la Othello în toiul unor importante pregătiri militare, deoarece tocmai se zvonise că flota turceasca ataca insula Cipru. Senatul veneţian hotărâse ca Othello să plece de grabă în apărarea insulei.
Rănit în amorul propriu, Brabantio îl acuza pe maur ca prin viclenie şi meşteşugiri diavoleşti i-a sedus şi nenorocit fata. Acesta se apară istorisind cum, fiind adesea invitat în casa lui Brabantio, a avut prilejul s-o întâlnească pe preafrumoasa fată, care îl ruga stăruitor să-i povestească numeroasele primejdii prin care a trecut de-a lungul carierei sale militare. Acestea au fost, spune el, meşteşugirile sale, povestea sincera a vieţii unui om greu încercat. Petrecând mult timp în preajma lui, fata a reuşit să vadă dincolo de înfăţişarea sa aspra şi respingătoare (în ochii societăţii) şi să se îndrăgostească de el.
Desdemona este şi ea adusa în faţa senatului şi confirmă cele spuse de Othello. Cu inima frântă, Brabantio se vede nevoit să-şi dea consimţământul pentru căsătoria celor doi. Cu toate acestea îl atenţionează pe ton profetic: "Ai grija Maurule, dacă ai ochi să vezi, şi-a înşelat tatăl, s-ar putea să te înşele şi pe tine".................. Datorită varietăţii de teme abordate, rasism, iubire, gelozie, trădare, tragedia Othello îşi păstrează actualitatea.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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The show begins when Roderigo, a rich nobleman, complains to Iago, a high rank soldier, that he didn't say anything about the secret marriage between Desdemona, the daughter of Senator Brabantio, and Othello, a moor general in Venetian army. Roderigo is very upset, because he loves Desdemona, and had asked her father for her hand to get married. On the other hand, Iago is angry on Othello, because he promoted a much younger and unexperienced man, called Michael Cassio, as captain. That's why he intends to take revenge. First, he is asking Roderigo to wake up Brabantio and notify him that his daughter, Desdemona, is planning to escape with the moor. While the entire nobleman house it's rustling, Iago sneaks out and warns Othello that Brabantio is coming.
Meanwhile, Desdemona truly escaped and secretly got married with Othello. The girl's father reaches to Othello in the middle of a major military action, due to the rumors that turkish fleet is atacking Cyprus island. Venetian Senate decided that Othello must leave immediatly to defend the island.
With his wounded pride, Brabantio is accusing the moor, that by slyness and witchcraft, he seduced and ruined his daughter. He defends himself relating how by being often invited in the house of Brabantio, he had the occasion to encounter this gorgeous girl, which persistently asked him to relate about his numerous risks he encountered during his military career. These was, he says, his craft, a sincere lifestory of a hard-tried man. Spending a lot of time around him, the girl succeed to see beyond his rough and repulsive appearance (in the eyes of society) and getting in loved with him.
Desdemona is also brought in front of Senate and she confirms what Othello said. With broken-heart, Brabantio is forced to give consent for their marriage. Despite all, he is giving an prophetical warning: "Take care moor, if you have eyes to see, she has deceived her father, and may deceive you too."
Due to the variety of approached themes, racism, love, jealousy, betrayal, Othello tragedy still persists nowadays also.
Meanwhile, Desdemona truly escaped and secretly got married with Othello. The girl's father reaches to Othello in the middle of a major military action, due to the rumors that turkish fleet is atacking Cyprus island. Venetian Senate decided that Othello must leave immediatly to defend the island.
With his wounded pride, Brabantio is accusing the moor, that by slyness and witchcraft, he seduced and ruined his daughter. He defends himself relating how by being often invited in the house of Brabantio, he had the occasion to encounter this gorgeous girl, which persistently asked him to relate about his numerous risks he encountered during his military career. These was, he says, his craft, a sincere lifestory of a hard-tried man. Spending a lot of time around him, the girl succeed to see beyond his rough and repulsive appearance (in the eyes of society) and getting in loved with him.
Desdemona is also brought in front of Senate and she confirms what Othello said. With broken-heart, Brabantio is forced to give consent for their marriage. Despite all, he is giving an prophetical warning: "Take care moor, if you have eyes to see, she has deceived her father, and may deceive you too."
Due to the variety of approached themes, racism, love, jealousy, betrayal, Othello tragedy still persists nowadays also.
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