Engleza, întrebare adresată de sebasebastian90, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog sa ma ajutati. 1. Describe what changes you think there will be in towns and cities in the future. 2. You get a job, so you can afford to have a life. But then you spend all your fime at work and end up with no time to live the life you're working for. Why do you think this happens? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de izabellalukacs
1. I think people will be kinder in future, there would be more stores, more hospitals. Every person will have a house and a job.
2. I think that happens because im not focused enough on my life. For an example i can get a job where i have to work just a few hours and earn enough money to live a happier life.
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