Engleza, întrebare adresată de CarinaSelena, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog sa ma ajutați!!!!!
Dau coroana


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de meringuekookies
Mother: Well, we are going to watch a video. Will you join us, Gary?
Gary: No thanks, I will see if Russ is in.
Mother: But he lives in the other side of town. How will you get there?
Gary: I am going to cycle. It's not that far!
Mother: Well, take your anorak. I think it will rain.
Gary: OK, OK! See you later!

meringuekookies: Whoops am scris din greseala video.
meringuekookies: Adica, Movie
meringuekookies: era video in loc de movie
antonya2: ba nu pt ca acolo scrie clar ca trebuie cu verbul GOING TO
meringuekookies: Mda, dar din punctul de vedere al cuiva care nu stie engleza foarte bine, ai uitat sa adaugi ubele cuvinte iar verbul Câteodată nu are sens. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
meringuekookies: unele*
Răspuns de antonya2
Mother... Well we are going to a video.Are you going to join us Gary?
Gary... No, thanks.Am going to see if Russ is in.
Mother... But he lives on the other side of town.How are you going to get there?
Gary... I going to cycle.It's not that far!
Mother..... Well, take your anorak.I think it's going to rain.
Gary.... Ok,ok! See you later!
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