Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihalialisa0, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog traducetimi acest rezumat DAU COROANA

Era un taietor de lemne care locuia impreuna cu sotia si cele 3 fici.Intr-o dimineata i zisesera ficei cele mari sa ii aduca cine in padure si ca el va face o poteca din seminte casa gaseasca drumul catre el .Pe cand fata pregatise sa duca cina tatalui sau semintele fu mancate de catre animalele din padure si fata se pierduse.Cand se lasase noaptea ea vazuse o casa cu lumini aprinse ,a mers si a batut la usa ,si auzise o voce care zicea sa intre .in nauntru era un batran cu barba foarte lunga care avea trei animale.fata ia povestit ce sa intamplat si batranul a intrebat animalele daca poate sa ramana si ele au fost de acord .Batranul ia zis sa mearga sa faca ceva de mancare dar ea nu sa gandit sa faca si la animale ,a facut de mancare doar ei si la batran.Apoi batranul i zisesera sa mearga sa doarm intr-o camera .Cand fata adormise batranul mergesera si deschidea o trapa si a aruncat fata in pivnita.cand tatal fetei a ajuns acasa a zis ca fica cea mijlocie sa mearga in ziua urmatoare sa aduca cina .Dar din pacate acelas lucru se intamplase si cu ea.A 3 a zi a ramas doar fica cea mica,mama nu vroiase nici cum sa o lase sa plece deoarece ii era frica sa o piarda si pe ea dar pana la urma a plecat sa ii duca cine tatalui ei ,si ea se pierduse si ajunsesera la casa batranului .Dar fata a facut de mancare si la batran dar si la animale ,batranul de data asta nu a trimiso in pivnita si a 2 a zi batranul sa transformat intr-un tanar frumos si casa darapanata intr-un palat cu flori de aur.Tanarul a zis ca afost vrajit de o vrajitoare ca sa fie batran si sa locuiasca intr-o casa darapanata pana cand o fata buna sa vina si sa il hraneasca pe el si pe animalele lui .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de userbrainly16

He was a woodcutter who lived with his wife and 3 sons. One morning they had told the eldest daughter to bring him dinner in the forest and that he would make a path from the seeds so that the house would find the way to him. When the girl had prepared to she took her father's dinner or the seeds were eaten by the animals in the forest and the girl was lost. When night fell she saw a house with lights on, she went and knocked on the door and heard a voice telling her to come in. inside was a old man with a very long beard who had three animals. The girl told him what happened and the old man asked the animals if he could stay and they agreed. The old man told her to go make something to eat but she didn't think to do it either to the animals, he made food only for them and for the old man. Then the old man told him to go and sleep in a room. When the girl fell asleep the old man went and opened a hatch and threw the girl into the cellar. when the girl's father arrived home he said for the middle girl to go the next day s to bring dinner. But unfortunately the same thing happened to her. On the 3rd day, only the little girl remained, the mother did not want to let her go because she was afraid of losing her too, but in the end she went to take dinner to her father, and she got lost and they reached the old man's house. But the girl cooked food for the old man as well as for the animals, this time the old man did not send her to the cellar and the 2nd day the old man transformed in a handsome young man and the dilapidated house in a palace with golden flowers. The young man said that he was bewitched by a witch so that he would be old and live in a dilapidated house until a good girl came and fed him he and his animals.

Sper ca te-am ajutat

mihalialisa0: Multumesc foarte multttttt
userbrainly16: Cu plăcere!!
Răspuns de idk765
He was a woodcutter who lived with his wife and 3 sons. One morning the eldest daughter had told him to bring her dinner in the forest and that he would make a path out of the seeds. she took her father's dinner or the seeds were eaten by the animals in the forest and the girl was lost. When night fell she saw a house with lights on, she went and knocked on the door and heard a voice telling her to come in. inside was a old man with a very long beard who had three animals the girl told him what happened and the old man asked the animals if he could stay and they agreed. The old man told him to go do something maundanan hi. aaaand
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