Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

va rog urgent cine ma ajuta dau 5 stele inimă fallow si coroana plus fallow si 100 de puncte​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nikittiez


Patrick - what subjects do you like?

Julia - i really like history, what about you?

Patrick - I hate history, it's difficult


Patrick - Julia, can I borrow your ruler?

Julia - sure, but make sure to get me an ice cream in return

Patrick - oh come on


Patrick - I'm definitely going to get full marks on this

Julia - What did you write about?

Patrick - my hobbies, you know, reading drawing etc

Julia - im much more creative! i like ice skating

next lesson

Patrick - what lesson do we have next?

Julia - we have math with Mrs Lidl

Patrick - i forgot to do my homework.. can you give me your notebook really quick

Julia - just tell Mrs Lidl, she'll understand

your ideas

Patrick - hey do you think the reason Mr Dwight is so kind is because he has 3 cats at home?

Julia - what kind of reason is that, silly?

Patrick - well my best friend told me that people who have more cats are assumed to be kinder

Julia - that's some weird fact source you got

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