Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

va rogggg, repede ee​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de emilia8246

B. 1 did you

Yes, i did.

2 did they

No, they didn't

3 did he

Yes, he did

4 did she

No she didn't

5 did you

No i didn't

6. Did Arthur

Yes he did

7. Did merlin

Yes he did

8. Did aimee

No they didn't

9. Did your

Yes he did

10. Did the children

Yes they did

11. Did he

Yes he did

A. 1. Didn't want

2. Did you help

3 did not understand

4 did he paint

5 i didnt

6 she didn't

7 didn't water

8 did the students solve

9 did not go

10 did you wear

11 didn't miss

12 did your aunt visit

13 did not watch

14 i didn't answer

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