vă roog !! aam nevoie de traducereee!!!!
The first impression of Bucharest comes from the wide extent of space that it covers.
This is because there are so many houses standing in their separate gardens.
Owing to this, Calea Victoriei, the main street of the capital, is as long as Oxford Street and Regent Street put together.
Bucharest, then, is a town which is spread out.
So are the hours kept by its inhabitants;only you would not think so, for they pass so quickly.
It is a question of temperament, and climate.
In the summert it is as hot as India.
No business can be done between midday and five o'clock.
It is at that hour, or later, that the shops open for the afternoon and they do not close their shutters till mine or ten .
You dine, therefore, at ten or eleven, and no one would think of going to bed till three or four.
This again explains the great number of restaurants and cafes and, in its turn , accounts for the popular music which is incomparable and haunts the mind.
The autumn, which is the most beautiful season of all, is followed by a winter of deep snow and sledges.
I had been advised by many persons, when going to Romania, to see the country first and the capital last.
Bucharest, according to this opinion, was no more than a bad copy of paris.
Actually, in Bucharest, there is nothing whatever of Paris, except the one or two inevitable dress shops.
The character of Bucharest is in its personality, not its monuments.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Prima impresie pe care o ai de la Bucuresti vine de la marele teritoriu pe care il acopera. Din cauza ca aici sunt foarte multe case care stau in gradinile lor separate. Datorita acestora Calea Victoriei strada principala a capitalei este la fel de mare ca strada Oxford si Regent la un loc. Bucurestiul este un oras larg. Intrebarea de temperatura si clima. Vara e la fel de cald ca in India. Nu poti face niciun lucru de la amiaza pana la oarele 5 seara. Este ora cand toate magazinele se deschid si lucreaza pana pe la vre 9 -10. Pe la vreo orele 11 12 nimeni nu are de gand sa se culce pana pe la vreo 3-4 . Acesta la randul ei explica numarul mare de restaurante si cafenele. Toamna care este cel mai frumos anotimp din toate este urmata de o iarna cu zapada mare. Am fost sfatuit de multe persoane cand voi pleca in Romania sa vad tara prima si capitala ultima. Bucurestiul in opinia lor nu e mai mult decat o rea copiere a Parisului. De fapt Bucurestiul nu are nimic in comun cu Parisu cu exceptia a catorva magazine de haine. Caracterul Bucurestiului nu este in personalitatea sa ci in monumentele sale.
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