Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andreyas, 8 ani în urmă

Vreau o compunere cu citatul "No matter how bad things were going to be,i wasn't going to give up"
P.S : Sa fie pe la mijloc citatul

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de barburamonacristina3


I am a student.I am 13 years old and in 3 mounts is our math test.And y study so much for it an two mouns later I got injured.I broke my leg and my mom said:You can't go to school and you will miss the math test.I was so sad beacuse I studied for two mounts and now I can't go to school,huh.No metter how bad things were going to be,I wasn't going to give up and I still got to school.It was the day I was ready and here it comes the test.After two hours we finished and our teacher got the tests and two days later she gives the tests back to us.I got 10 and I was so happy,when i commed home I shoved the test to my mom and she was so happy.And like that was the test

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