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In USA , Prima zi importanta este penultima zi de joi a lunii noiembrie, Thanksgiving Day . De la sfarsitul lunii noiembrie deja se simte spiritul festiv de Craciun.
Inainte de Craciun copiii il asteapta pe Mos Craciun , la fel ca si in Romania . Fiecare membru al familiei primeste obligatoriu cate un baton de zahar, insa datoria mosului nu se termina aici. Tot el raspunde si de cadourile de Craciun, pe care le lasa sub brad, conform scrisorilor pe care le-a primit de la copii, in functie de cat de cuminti au fost pe parcursul anului
In Romania , copii merg seara la casele oamenilor . ei canta colinde si primesc covrigei si dulciuri . Ei sunt foarte bucurosi .
Pregatirile pentru Craciun incep in Great Britain cu mult inainte de 25 decembrie.
Britanicii obisnuiesc sa isi impodobeasca brazii de Craciun mult mai devreme decat in Romania, cam pe la jumatatea lunii decembrie. Apoi, Craciunul nu poate sa treaca fara cadouri. in Marea Britanie, Craciunul se petrece acasa alaturi de rude , depinde de cine invita pe cine. Cam asta se obisnuieste in UK…
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ENGLISH 15 EAJUTOB In USA first important day is the penultimate Thursday of November, Thanksgiving Day. From late November already feels festive spirit before Christmas Christmas Santa is waiting children, as well as in Romania. Each family member receives one stick of sugar binding, but because Santa does not end there. He responds and Christmas gifts, which leaves under the tree, according to the letters received from children, depending on how well-behaved they were during the year in Romania, children attend evening at the homes of people they sing carols and receive pretzels and sweets. They are very happy preparations for Christmas begin in Great Britain long before December 25. Brits tend to decorate their Christmas trees much earlier than in Romania, around half of December. Then Christmas can not go without gifts. in Britain, Christmas is going home with relatives who depend on who to invite. So much is common in UK...
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In the US, first important day is the penultimate Thursday of November, Thanksgiving Day. From late November already feels festive Christmas spirit.
Before Christmas children are waiting for Santa, as well as in Romania. Each family member receives one stick of sugar binding, but because Santa does not end there. He responds and Christmas presents under the tree that they leave, according to the letters received from children, depending on how well-behaved they were during
In Romania, children go from house to house in the evening. they sing carols and receive pretzels and sweets. They are very happy.
Preparations for Christmas begin in Great Britain long before December 25.
The British tend to decorate their Christmas trees much earlier than in Romania, around half of December. Then Christmas can not go without gifts. in Britain, Christmas is going home with relatives who depend on who to invite. This is what is customary in the UK ...
Before Christmas children are waiting for Santa, as well as in Romania. Each family member receives one stick of sugar binding, but because Santa does not end there. He responds and Christmas presents under the tree that they leave, according to the letters received from children, depending on how well-behaved they were during
In Romania, children go from house to house in the evening. they sing carols and receive pretzels and sweets. They are very happy.
Preparations for Christmas begin in Great Britain long before December 25.
The British tend to decorate their Christmas trees much earlier than in Romania, around half of December. Then Christmas can not go without gifts. in Britain, Christmas is going home with relatives who depend on who to invite. This is what is customary in the UK ...
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