Engleza, întrebare adresată de denis5173, 8 ani în urmă

Vreau sa îmi conjugati prezentul simplu si prezentul continuu,La afirmativ,negativ si continuu cuvintele sunt:go,live, pull sa fie la toate persoanele!URGENT. VA ROG NU MA LASATI.DAU COROANA

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnDrEySPM
Prezent Simplu:
To go (A merge)

i go
You go
he/she/it go
we go
You go
the go


i didn't go

You didn't go
he/she/it didn't go
we didn't go
You didn't go
they didn't go


Did i go
Did You go
Did he/she/it go
did we go
did You go
did they go

Prezent continu

i am going
You are going
he/she/it is going
we are going
You are going
they are going


i'm not going
You aren't going
he/she/it isn't going
we aren't going
You aren't going
they aren't going


Am i going?
are You going?
is he/she/it going?
are we going?
are You going?
are they going?

La fel si cu celelalte verbe doar schimbi verbula în loc de go o să pui live doar ca se șterge e => Liv

Sper ca ți-am fost de ajutor

hwgta: frate dc ai comjugat la trecut maaa
hwgta: conjugat*
AnDrEySPM: in primul rand eu sunt bazat pe trecut
AnDrEySPM: si pe present
AnDrEySPM: el mia zis present simplu si prezent continu
AnDrEySPM: pentru alte conjugari / traduceri la engleza mes me
hwgta: el a zis prezent si tu ai fct trecut prezentu e cu don't la negativ iar trecutul cu didn't
AnDrEySPM: a scz acm am vaz
AnDrEySPM: nu am mai conjugat acest verb de 2 ani
AnDrEySPM: sunt deja la imperative la engleza dar corectez acm
Răspuns de hwgta
present simplu

i go
you go
he/she/it goes
we go
you go
they go

i don't go
you don't go
he/she/it doesn't go
we don't go
you don't go
they don't go


do i go
do you go
does she/he/it go
do we go
do you go
do them go

present continuu


i am going
you are going
she/he/it is going
we are going
you are going
they are going


i am not going
you aren't going
he/she/it isn't going
we aren't going
you aren't going
they aren't going


am i going
are you going
is she/he/it going
are we going
are you going
are they going
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