Engleza, întrebare adresată de pintiliegabriela, 9 ani în urmă

Vreau și eu o scurtă compunere sau schiţă despre cum putem să am grijă de inima noastră în limba engleză

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Sebinsky2015
                                            Titlul : How to take care of our hearths

To take care of our hearths we need to pray to God to give us enlightment and also love someone.
Love is the most powerful thing in the world, it has the power to make us love persons, which is good for our hearths, it makes the blood pumping faster and faster when you are close to a person you love.
God gives us enlightment when we pray, which is also good for our hearths. That enlightment gives our hearths power to pump faster and faster.
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