Engleza, întrebare adresată de stefanguna, 8 ani în urmă

Vreau și eu un text în engleza despre regi, regine, la o masa întinsă când sunt serviți. Ajutati_ma va rog din suflet.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de izabel002
It's summer. All the kingdoms are gathering at the royal palace to serve the tea at 5 o'clock. Queen Elizabeth commanded the servants to bring all sorts of biscuits : biscuits with chocolate, with white chocolate, with oat (ovaz),with vanilla and much more. When the biscuits arrived she said :
  -Now bring the jasmine (pe atunci iasomia era floare regala) tea so we can enjoi this sunny day of summer.
When all of the guests finished theyr tea her brother said :
  -Let's dance a little bit to have some fun.
Then Elizabeth told them to sing from the 
orchestrate. All of the guests danced 3 days and 3 nights. It was splendit and all had a good time.
                                     SPER CA TE-AM AJUTAT =))
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