Engleza, întrebare adresată de monicutza, 9 ani în urmă

Why are kittens such( play) animals ? They love chasing a ball or a piece of wool, and they always play in a very (athlete) way. But why? All of a kitten s (act) when playing are in fact, important for the future. it might look like (entertain) but the kitten is practising its hunting skills. That (hero) jump onto a toy teaches the kitten a lot. Think about your own (child) and you will see that you learnt a lot through play.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Denisa

Hello :)

Noun or adjective? Substantiv sau adjectiv?


Why are kittens such (1) playful animals ?

They love chasing a ball or a piece of wool, and they always play in a very (2) athletic way. But why? All of a kitten's (3) actions when playing are in fact, important for the future. It might look like (4) entertainment but the kitten is practising its hunting skills.

That (5) heroic jump onto a toy, teaches the kitten a lot. Think about your own (6) childhood and you will see that you've learnt a lot through play.

(1) playful = jucăuș (adjectiv);

De ce sunt pisicuțele animăluțe așa jucăușe?

(2) athletic = atletic (adjectiv);

mereu se joacă într-o manieră atletică;

(3) actions = acțiuni (substantiv);

toate acțiunile unei pisicuțe atunci când se joacă;

(4) entertainment = divertisment, distracție (substantiv);

poate părea ca o distracție;

(5) heroic = eroic (adjectiv);

Acea săritură eroică;

(6) childhood = copilărie (substantiv);

Gândește-te la copilăria ta;

Sperăm că te-am ajutat și că ai înțeles!

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