Engleza, întrebare adresată de josanalexandru680, 8 ani în urmă

Work in groups of four. One student asks the other the following questions: Would you like to participate in a wellness month? what bad habits would you like to change? Share your results with the other groups

răspunsul să fie în engleză, îmi trebuie urgent pls

Ex. 5 p. 26​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tacuadriana7


Yes, I would really like to participate in a welkness month, I think I would like to change many bad habits, like throwing garbage on the streets, smoking, leaving animals on the streets, stealing and so many others!

josanalexandru680: Mulțumesc de răspuns!
Răspuns de shela0102
Yes i would like to participate in this Welness month.As of my habit,i would like to quit smoking and drinking too much alcohol.
I want to start a new lifestyle that is clean and healthy.

josanalexandru680: Mulțumesc de răspuns:D
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