Engleza, întrebare adresată de opreadavid2121, 9 ani în urmă

Write a story about an event where something went wrong. Use the cues below.

Paragraph 1:
-When did the event happen?
-What were you doing?
-What was the weather like?

Paragraph 2:
-How did you know that somethig was wrong?
-What had happened?
-What did you do?

Paragraph 3:
-What happened in the end?
- How did everyone feel?


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Ti-o dau si in engleza si in romana:
Era o zii frumoasa de noiembrie cand eu si prietenii mei am mers in parcul cu brazi abia plantati.Era un soare foarte arzator de noiembrie.Totusi stiam ca ceva era grasit si mi-am adus aminte uitasem sa imi iau telefonul.Era o mare greseala deoarece vroiam sa fac poze,dar nu am reusit.Apoi am gasit solutia era un om care facea poze pentru cativa lei.Ne-am dus si am facut o gramada de poze.Am mancat vata pe bat si ne-am jucat multe alte jocuri.Toata lumea s-a distrat pe cinste in acea zi.Mi-as dori sa se mai repete astfel de intamplari.

It was a beautiful November day when my friends and I went to the Pine Park and you barely planted it. It was a very scorching sun of November. I still knew something was fat and remembered I forgot to take my phone. It was a big mistake because I wanted to take pictures, but I couldn't. Then I found the solution was a man taking pictures for a few lions. We went and took a bunch of pictures. We ate cotton on the stick and we played many other games. Everybody had quite a laugh that day. I wish it would happen again.
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