Engleza, întrebare adresată de nataliabivol971, 8 ani în urmă

Write about your activities during the summer holiday

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de human41


nu știu ce ai făcut vara asta dar scriu și eu așa ceva ce cred că probabil ai făcut oricum daca nu ai făcut ce zic eu aici zi și tu că ai făcut ce am zis.

ok hai sa incepem:

This summer was one of the best summer's of my life. I didn't go on a vacation outside of Romania because of Corona virus but I went to the black sea. It was fun. I also met with my friends, and went to the park. I ate allot of ice-cream because this summer was hot. I spent allot of time with my family played games and I saw allot of movies. I also tried new foods. It was a fun summer:)

daca zici asta cred că e ok

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