Engleza, întrebare adresată de raluca100love, 9 ani în urmă

Write negative senteces:

I live in Spain with my mum

I play football every evening

We go to school by bus every morning

Mary likes French

John and Mary speak English

Mark watches films on TV

Tom plays basketball every summer

My cats eats fish and drinks milk

We go to the cinema

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Panda
1. I don't live in Spain with my mum. 2. I don't play football every evening. 3. Mary doesn't like French. 4. John and Mary don't speak English. 5. Mary doesn't watch films on TV. 6. Tom doesn't play basketball every summer. 7. My cats don't eat fish and don't drink milk. 8. We don't go to the cinema. * Sa faci negativul e simplu, pui don't in fata verbului si gata. Singura excepție este cand ai persoana III singular (he,she,it) atunci pui doesn't si elimini s-ul de la verb ( de exemplu, he plays - he doesn't play )
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