Engleza, întrebare adresată de RADUNOVICI, 7 ani în urmă

9 What do you think it will happen next in the story?
Write 20-25 lines to continue the story.
Before you write, make notes about:
• the characters - consider adding some new ones in the
the place and time of the action;
interesting moments in the action;
the dialogues.
one hundred and twenty-five 125


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mihneapeteu0

As they're about to leave, the man approaches them and strikes up a conversation. He introduces himself as Tom, a local resident who frequents the overlook to clear his head. Sarah and Jack engage in small talk with Tom, but they can't help but feel uneasy around him. Suddenly, Tom's demeanor shifts, and he begins to ask probing questions about their trip and where they're headed. Sarah and Jack become increasingly uncomfortable and try to extricate themselves from the conversation, but Tom seems unwilling to let them go. Just as things are starting to feel truly uncomfortable, a group of hikers emerges from the trail, and Tom quickly backs away, disappearing into the trees. Sarah and Jack exchange relieved glances and quickly make their way back to the car, eager to put some distance between themselves and the unsettling encounter with Tom. As they drive away, Sarah can't help but wonder if they'll encounter him again on their trip, or if this was just a strange and isolated incident.

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