Engleza, întrebare adresată de timeeavlad2646, 8 ani în urmă

XI. Translate into English: 1
1. Vă amintiți cine a câştigat cursa anul trecut?
2. Am cumpårat acest minicasetofon portabil luna trecuta. Ghici cât am dat pe el?
3. Iți dai seama că fiica noastră a venit acasă de la petrecere la ora 3 dimineața? 4. De ce nu ți-ai făcut patul ieri?
5. Ai pus scrisoarea la poşta când ți-am cerut eu?
6. Aş vrea så avem mai mulți bani.
7. Obişnuiam så mâncam mult peşte când locuiam la mare.
8. El a studiat dreptul la Universitatea Cambridge din 1925 pâna în 1930.
9. I-am împrumutat o suta de dolari vinerea trecută. Atunci l-am vázut ultima oara,
10. Acest om a salvat un copil de la înec săptamâna trecuta. Când l-a vázut pe baiatul care se îneca, şi-a scos jacheta şi a sărit în apa fara ezitare.
11. leri, un mic avion de tip Cessna a aterizat pe autostrada din apropierea Londrei. 12. Vampirul deschise ochii, se ridică în capul oaselor în coşciug şi privi împrejur.
13. Apoi se ridică în picioare, îşi puse o cravata şi zâmbi.
14. Am crezut că ea era secretară, dar s-a dovedit a fi şefa.
15. Delegația a sosit la ora 11:30. Preşedintele i-a întâmpinat personal la aeroport. 16. Ne-a placut foarte mult vacanța noastră în Franța.
17. M-am dus în oraş cu autobuzul, apoi am luat un taxi pâna la aeroport.
18. Cine a descoperit America?
19. Cinci ani mai târziu, domnul Jefferson se câsători cu Martha Skelton şi se stabili cu soția sa în Monticello.
20. Ei au facut repetiții pentru spectacol marți şi joi şi au dat reprezentația sâmbată cu un succes imens.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ursachem852

1. Do you remember who won the race last year?

2. I bought this portable mini cassette player last month. Guess how much I paid for it?

3. Do you realize that our daughter came home from the party at 3 o'clock in the morning? 4. Why didn't you make your bed yesterday?

5. Did you put the letter in the mail when I asked you to?

6. I wish we had more money.

7. I used to eat a lot of fish when I lived by the sea.

8. He studied law at Cambridge University from 1925 to 1930.

9. I lent him a hundred dollars last Friday. That's when I last saw him,

10. This man rescued a child from drowning last week. When he saw the drowning boy, he took off his jacket and jumped into the water without hesitation.

11. Leri, a small Cessna plane landed on the motorway near London. 12. The vampire opened his eyes, rose to his feet in the coffin, and looked around.

13. Then he got to his feet, put on a tie, and smiled.

14. I thought she was a secretary, but she turned out to be the boss.

15. The delegation arrived at 11:30. The president greeted them in person at the airport. 16. We really enjoyed our vacation in France.

17. I went to the city by bus, then took a taxi to the airport.

18. Who Discovered America?

19. Five years later, Mr. Jefferson married Martha Skelton and settled with his wife in Monticello.

20. They rehearsed for the show on Tuesday and Thursday and gave a huge performance on Saturday.

traducerea la toate ❤️

Răspuns de neaguageorgiana


1. Do you remember who won the race last year?

2. I bought this portable mini cassette player last month. Guess how much I gave up on it?

3. Do you realize that our daughter came home from the party at 3 am? 4. Why didn't you make your bed yesterday?

5. Did you put the letter in the mail when I asked you?

6. I wish we had more money.

7. I used to eat a lot of fish when I lived at the seaside.

8. He studied law at Cambridge University from 1925 to 1930.

9. I lent him a hundred dollars last Friday. That's when I saw him last time,

10. This man saved a child from drowning last week. When he saw the drowning boy, he took off his jacket and jumped into the water without hesitation.

11. Leri, a small Cessna-type plane landed on the motorway near London. 12. The vampire opened his eyes, stood up in the head of the bones in the coffin and looked around.

13. Then he stood up, put on a tie and smiled.

14. I thought she was a secretary, but she turned out to be the boss.

15. The delegation arrived at 11:30. The president personally greeted them at the airport. 16. We really liked our holiday in France.

17. I took to the city by bus, then we took a taxi to the airport.

18. Who discovered America?

19. Five years later, Mr. Jefferson married Martha Skelton and settled with his wife in Monticello.

20. They rehearsed for the show on Tuesday and Thursday and gave the performance on Saturday with huge success.

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