Engleza, întrebare adresată de rosener, 8 ani în urmă

you have recently participated in a class discussion on the topic of improving the environment. the discussion centred around three main ideas: recycling, public transport and planting trees. you have decided to write an essay on this topic for your teacher describing three ideas to improve the environment and their beneficial effects. you may use the ideas provided or come up with solutions of your own.
write your essay in 180 - 200 words.

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The environment is not just trees and nature

it is magical and most important it is full of life and our gome. we must take attitude and save it

reciclyng is very important but you try to separate garbage if no one is going to pick it up selective. attitude must appear not just in our homes but also in the system.

public transport is good beacuse thar way you earn more energy and stop polution. if more people wold travel by bus or by subway then there will be no more traffic or at least less traffic and we also help the environment, but for this to happen we must make public transport more convinient and get new vechicles as now the dissconfort is a couse of people not traveling a lot by bus or by subway.

We also must plant a lot of flowers and trees as they keep us alive. we need to cut trees to make furniture or paper but we mustn't abuse. also for every tree that we cut we should plant another. it won't provide enough oxigen because it is just a baby comparing to the big mature one that was cut. but it is at leest something

in conclusion we all need to take attitude including the state. we need to taje care of the environment as well as it takes care of us

geaninaanuta89: Aoleu engleza praf
rosener: yeah... l-am făcut singură până la urmă:)) îi apreciez efortul tho
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