Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristina23525, 8 ani în urmă

1 A: Did you have a good evening?
8. Yes, thank you. We ...went. (go) to see a play!
2 A Cats ................................ (wash) themselves
BI know. They are very clean animals,
3 A: Why are you so dirty?
B: .................... (work) in the garden all morning
4 A: I want to phone Jane.
B: Well don't phone her now. She
5 A: You look busy.
B: I am. I
.. (write) a letter to my
6 A: I would like a new bicycle.
B. Me too. My parents.
.... (buy) me one
for Christmas.
7 A What time are the quests arriving?
B: They .......... ............ (be) here in ten minutes.
8 A: Are you excited about your trip?
B: Yes. This time next week, 1..
... (sail)
across the Atlantic.
9 A: I'm going to the supermarket.
B: You'd better be quick, then. It ..
(close) at eight o'clock.
10 A: You sounded tired when I spoke to you last night.
B. Well, 1
....... (paint) the house all day.
11 A: What
........... (you/do) when I called?
B: I ......
................ (water) the plants.
12 A Have you sent those letters yet?
B: Yes. I
........... (post) them yesterday.
13 A: Are there any biscuits left?
8: No, sorry. 1....
. (eat) them all.
14 A: Why was Julie crying this morning?
B. Because she ...
(hurt) her leg.
15 A: Paul is going to collect us at ten o'clock.
B: Yes. By the time he arrives, we ...........
(have) breakfast.
AJUTOR! Vă rog mult!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MirelaCostinar
2. Cats wash themselves
3. B: I’m working
4.B: She is studying.
5. B: I am writing a letter to my brother
6.B: Me too. My parents bought me one for Christmas
7.B: They will be here in ten minutes
8.B: I’ll sail across the Atlantic
9. B: is closing at eight o’clock
10. B: I painted
11.A:what did you do when i called?
B: I watered the plants
12. B: posted
8. eaten them all
14.B: hurt
15. B: will be having

cristina23525: Mulțumesc mult!!
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