Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandra977, 9 ani în urmă

1)Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

1)The instruction manual (photocopy) by the secretary at this very moment.
2)Once the TV aerial (adjust),you will have a clearer picture on your screen.
3)Your new satellite dish (deliver) tomorrow afternoon.
4)The machine cover should only (open) when the warning light has gone off.
5)The printer (service)last month.
6)Computers (use) in most classrooms all over the country nowadays.
7)Research on the battery -operated car (complete) by the end of the month.
8.The programmer (invite) to give a talk at the college but he refused.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

Cerinta:Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

            Puneti verbele din paranteza la timpul corect, pasiv.


1)The instruction manual is being photocopied by the secretary at this very moment.

2)Once the TV aerial has been adjusted,you will have a clearer picture on your screen.

3)Your new satellite dish will be delivered tomorrow afternoon.

4)The machine cover should only be opened when the warning light has gone off.

5)The printer was serviced last month.

6)Computers are used in most classrooms all over the country nowadays.

7)Research on the battery -operated car will be completed by the end of the month.

8.The programmer has been invited to give a talk at the college but he refused.


Daca la diateza activa subiectul este cel care face actiunea, la diateza pasiva subiectul sufera actiunea facuta de un autor neprecizat sau de un complement de agent.

Ex. Mary a mancat un mar (diateza activa)

    Marul a fost mancat de Mary. (diateza pasiva)

Mod de formare:

Subiect + to be+ Verb-ed/foma a treia

Atentie! Verbul "to be" trebuie conjugat la timpul cerut!

✦The wolf eats the sheep. ( Lupul mananca oaia- diateza activa// eats-present simple)

The sheep is eaten by the wolf.(Oaia este mancata de lup-diateza pasiva// is-present simple)

✦ The wolf ate the sheep. (Lupul a mancat oaia-diateza active//ate-past simple)

The sheep was eaten by the wolf.(Oaia a fost mancata de lup-diateza pasiva// was-past simple)

✦ The wolf has eaten the sheep. ( Lupul a mancat oaia-diateza activa// has eaten -present perfect simple)

The sheep has been eaten by the wolf. ( Oaia a fost mancata de lup-diateza pasiva// has been-present perfect simple)

✦ The wolf will eat the sheep. (Lupul va manca oaia-diateza active//will eat-viitor simplu)

The sheep will be eaten by the wolf. (Oaia va fi mancata de lup.-diateza pasiva//will be-viitor simplu)

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