Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lavii2009, 7 ani în urmă

32) You are too ... You should be more careful. 33) The... of the book will be pleased. 34) Your research was a successful one. 35) He... looked at his own son. 36) The factory has about 500 37) Be...! You will finally find the truth! 38) The news caused great ... . 39) What a ... idea! To betray your best friend! 40) The castle is the biggest of this town. 41) My can't be changed. It's final. 42) The of this boat cost a lot. 43) The informed me about the latest books. 44) The of your research will be acknowledged much later. 45) The... between you and me is that I speak English ... ... and you don't. 46) Nobody lived in that ... . 47) What a ... behaviour ! 48) It is to ask something like this. 49) He is a remarkable 50) The doctor's ... will recover me soon. 51) The... of your objectives makes you forget the other duties. ... ... ….. 52) I've told you what the situation is; you must act .... 53) I prefer a simple dress without 54) It is not ... for you to wait any longer. 55) There are only two for the job because the wages are low. 56) The smoker was ... after running up the hill. 57) People more slowly when they are asleep. 58) His... complaints began to annoy me. attitude towards her employees. 59) She has a ... 60) There are no ... on your choice of subject for the essay. 61) The battle was lost because of the troops'... . 62) I just can't take .... 63) I think this is a ... 64) We're 65) I like this ... 66) I'm not a very good. 67) Ann's marriage caused an ... innovation. by the next door's stereo. very much. .... between her and her sister. 68) She put make-up on her 69) You must face the truth and admit your 70) I have always admired the ... 71) The policeman took the prisoner's mountaineers. TRUST EDIT SCIENCE PROUD EMPLOY CONFIDE EXCITE SHAME ATTRACT DECIDE RENT LIBRARY IMPORTANT DIFFERENT WILD CHILD HUMAN INTELLECT PRESCRIBE ACCOMPLISH ACCORD ADORN ADVISE APPLY BREATH BREATH CEASE CONSIDER CONSTRAIN COWARD CRITIC DARE DEAF DRAW DRAW ESTRANGE EYE FAIL FEAR FINGER

îmi trebuie urgent!!!!! dau coroană!!! ​


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                 o sa termin raspunsul mai tarziu acum trebuie sa plec

Lavii2009: dar am nevoie acumm
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