Engleza, întrebare adresată de alinastanescu2009, 8 ani în urmă

86 PRACTICE 1. Choose the best word from the ones in italics: a. I need to buy a new tennis racket / court because the old one is broken. b. There are three players / referees in a game of football. c. My friends like to play / practice jogging in the afternoon. d. I think I will take up / take swimming as a hobby. e. Football players stop / retire from the sport when they are about 38. f. There were 15 cars in the Formula 1 contest / race. g. I saw the two opponents get into the boxing rink / ring. h. Soccer is very popular / known everywhere in the world.​

alinastanescu2009: multumesc ca mi-ai raspuns!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

Răspuns: a. racket

b. players

c. practice

d. take

e. retire

f. race

g. ring

h. popular


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