Engleza, întrebare adresată de mbuinovski14, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutaţi vă rog, urgent!!!
Image that you live in the future, and write a letter now one of your friends about how your life is.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bejerarut1

Răspuns: To my friend Tony...

Explicație: I don't know how to start to tell you, how wonderful and ugly is it in the same time here. Every day is something new ,and to tell you this not everything is good . You will see soon after you receive my letter it will be hard for my to write you again. But don't forget my friend ,you are my only friend who I can talk in the past and I will not let you down. I have a lots to tell you ,but one thing I want to tell you the most is that I am going to marry Tina and we are going to be parents! The future is not easy but with Tina and my little baby who will come , I will be so happy . Hope you will be happy to when you riding this. Be in touch as soon as possible!

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