Engleza, întrebare adresată de firaadrianafori, 8 ani în urmă

ajutor va rog frumos​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sabina252
Is playing
Are watching
Is listening
Is cooking
Am brushing
Does she visit
Do you play/ are you playing (nu se vede ce scrie dupa)
Doesn’t like
Aren’t fighting
Does your father work
Isn’t learning
Do they get up
I am not taking
Where do they live
Bill isn’t running

firaadrianafori: mulțumesc
Răspuns de sloane


Mary usually goes to school by bus.

Listen! John is playing the violin.

I always do my homework after school.

They are watching television at the moment.

My sister is listening to music now.

We play football on Sundays.

Uncle Tom often drives his car.

Where is Mum? She is cooking in the kitchen.

Emma sometimes helps her Mum with the housework.

I am brushing my teeth now.

Does she visit her grandma everyday?

Do you play computer games?

My brother doesn't like geography.

We aren't fighting at the moment.

Does your father work in a..?

She isn't learning English at the moment.

What time do they get up?

I don't take the dog for a walk..

Where do they live?

Bill isn't running now.

În partea dreaptă nu se văd propozițiile complete,asa ca nu stiu exact dacă le-am scris pe toate corect.

firaadrianafori: mulțumesc
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