Am făcut corect ? 30 puncte !!! VĂ ROG .... CÂT DE RAPID POSIBIL...

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Explicație pas cu pas:
Eu o să îți dau rezolvarea corectă a exercițiilor, deoarece nu îți înțeleg scrisul.
După ce o să trimit răspunsul, te poți corecta singur/singură.
1. Write in letters (Scrie în litere).
a.1st-->the first
b.2nd-->the second
c.3rd-->the third
d.4th-->the fourth
e.5th-->the fifth
f.6th-->the sixth
g.7th-->the seventh
h.8th-->the eighth
i.9th-->the ninth
j.10th-->the tenth
a.11th-->the eleventh
b.12th-->the twelfth
c.13th-->the thirteenth
d.15th-->the fifteenth
e.19th-->the nineteenth
f.20th-->the twentieth
g.21st-->the twenty-first
h.22nd-->the twenty-second
i.23rd-->the twenty-third
j.27th-->the twenty-seventh
k.29th-->the twenty-ninth
l.30th-->the thirtieth
2. Write the dates in letters (Scrie datele în litere).
01.01-->The first of January
14.02-->The fourteenth of February
08.03-->The eighth of March
01.04-->The first of April
01.05-->The first of May
01.06-->The first of June
04.07-->The fourth of July
25.08-->The twenty-fifth of August
26.08-->The twenty-sixth of August
15.09-->The fifteenth of September
31.10-->The thirty-first of October
19.11-->The nineteenth of November
25.12-->The twenty-fifth of December
3. Listen and write the years in letters (Ascultă şi scrie anii în litere).
1567-->fifteen sixty-seven
1384-->thirteen eighty-four
1879-->eighteen seventy-nine
1231-->twelve thirty-one
2010-->twenty ten
1984-->nineteen eighty-four
4. Make your special calendar!Write the birthdays of the people who are special for you (Creează-ți calendarul tău special!Scrie zilele de naştere ale oamenilor care sunt importanți pentru tine).
3.05.1990-->The third of May nineteen ninety
29.05.2008-->The twenty-ninth of May twenty eight
9.01.1983-->The ninth of January nineteen eighty-three
21.07.1970-->The twenty-first of July nineteen seventy
8.04.2007-->The eighth of April twenty seven
18.06.2015-->The eighteenth of June twenty fifteen
08.10.1956-->The eighth of October nineteen fifty-six
6.02.1938-->The sixth of February nineteen thirty-eight
2.10.2009-->The second of October twenty nine
4.04.1941-->The fourth of April nineteen forty-one
6.05.1950-->The sixth of May nineteen fifty