Engleza, întrebare adresată de RoxyIoana211, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o compunere in engleza (100 cuvinte) in care sa folosesc cuvintele "so" si "because" cu titlul "My last weekend". Cuvintele respective trebuie sa iasa in evidenta.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sarp

I'm going to speak about my past weekend. ("going to" future)

What did I do on my last weekend? Let me think… Oh, yes! I remember!

My cousin George got married last Saturday, so I went to his wedding. I live in

Madrid, but he got married in Toledo, so my brother picked me up and we

drove to Toledo for his wedding.

On Saturday, I got up very early -- at eight. I had a shower and I had breakfast

(some orange juice and cookies) and I went to get the wedding present. I gave

them an etching by Miquel Barceló. He is a Spanish painter and my cousin and

I love him! Then I walked to the hairdresser's. I hate going to the hairdresser's.

It hurts! But it was necessary!! (eek!) After that, I had a sandwich and a soft

drink for lunch. Then I got dressed for the wedding. I wore a beautiful blue

dress, dark blue shoes a blue handbag, an orange coat and a pair of gold


My brother and I set off for Toledo at about three. We all met at the church.

(I am a non-believer, but it was my cousin's wedding!) Then, my cousin and his

fiancée got married! (I'll never get married! It's a promise!) I said hello to

them and to our family, and I met his friends. After the wedding we went to a

restaurant. We had dinner. Everything was delicious! After dinner we had

cake and champagne, too! I was full! And after that we went to a disco. I met

a very nice man called Leo. We danced all night! In the early morning, we all

drove to Madrid. We had the typical early morning breakfast, "chocolate con

churros." "Chocolate" is thick hot cocoa and "churros" are a kind of pastry.

Then we went home. I got home

at about eleven in the morning! It was fun!

On Sunday I had a quiet day. I slept until 1.30! Then I did some housework

while I listened to music. I love music! In the evening Leo phoned. We met

again! We went to the cinema. The film was very good. Then I went back

home, because I get up very early on Monday. It was a very good weekend. I

had a lot of fun! / I had a great time!

(400 cuvinte)

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