Engleza, întrebare adresată de KisaS, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o compunere la Limba. engleza despre prietenie

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de irina29
Love your friend with his faults.
Necessarly he will respect  you and will help you every need.
Be good and honest he did not treat him with curse words.
Răspuns de marianapopa2
Friends are people that I'm almost always. They always support me and I love you very much. A friend is always adivarat. A friend easily you can find sal pirde but is much harder to value should therefore be our life its just like our parents. But that is only true for characteristic not for fake ones. So trebuieb to be careful when we choose our friends.sper sa fie corect si sati fie de ajutor

marianapopa2: sper sa fie corect si sati fie de ajutor
andreababenco: I can not imagine life without friends. They are one of the most important aspects of life. We need them to share their joys and sorrows both our. It is good to know that and to learn from time to appreciate them and keep them close. 
For me, my best friend means a lot. Whenever we needed him he was with. He is a sincere person who could never lie to me no matter what. He proved many times that it is a false friend and I managed to win over the trust. I learned to have fun, learn from one anothe
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