Are you good friend? Answer the questions and find out.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
I think that i'm good friend becaose: (Eu gindesc ca sunt un prieten bun deoarece:)
1. If my friend is sick, i will visit him and wild stay this him.
2.My friend's lovely color is blue and favourite movie is spider-man. They likes to listen rock.
3.If my best friend will invited me in museum i will go with him.
4. I will tell a thurth because any lie will be revealed
5.Yes, if my friend will be sad i will try to cheer him.
6. I will lend him my favourite sweater beacouse is my friend and i believe him!
7.No, i will help him with his easey but don't write instead of him.
8. Yes, i will help him with cheats beacouse is my friend and i don't want so he was sad.
9. I don't know. May be i hit him.
10. No. i don't let his secret others.
GATA! Cred ca tri-am ajutat!!!
Nu wild dar will!!!!