Engleza, întrebare adresată de dvvlad858owq5r5, 8 ani în urmă

Cate o propozitie in engleza cu expresiile:
Elvis has left the building
Last straw
Joined at the hip
Elbow grease
Forty winks
Barrel of laugh
Old as the hills
In the doghouse
Up the grabs

Urgent,va rog
Dau coronita

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stelafcs


elvis has left the building finally

last straw is mine

they are joined at the hip

look at that elbow grease

you did forty winks

the old barrel of laugh

old ad the hills this is

the dog is in the doghouse

up the grabs Tom

Răspuns de andreea9582
1. Let’s go find our coats; Evis has left the building
2. It had been a really difficult year so when his dog died, it was the last straw.
3. Mary and Rachel do everything together ; they are joined at the hip
4. It’s not that difficult to get the floor clean, you just need to use a little elbow grease.
5. I’m exhausted, I think I’ll have forty winks before we leave
6. Everyone loves her company, she is aleays a barrel of laugh
7. The political conflict your country is going through is as old as the hills
8. He’s in the doghouse because he lost his wife’s favourite purse.
9. Nobody has claimed the lost toy so it is up for grabs
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