Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 10 ani în urmă

Cine imi face o compunere de clasa a4-a cu titlul My favorite food?
Sa fie pizza

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Wow, I love eating Italian food! For instance, whenever I am hungry, I order pizza, this deliciously tasty Italian meal. I love it with bacon, pepper, olives, corn and a loot of ketchup. If I have much time, I can even cook my own pizza: bake some bread with the ingredients I have in the fridge for 20 or 30 minutes or so. After that, "Bon appetite"!

Cretzulina: My favourite food
Cretzulina: My favourite food is pizza. I eat this sometimes in sunday days. I like pizza because is a italian meal. I like pizza with bacon, olives, papper, peperoni, and lot of (nu mai stiu cum se scrie "branza") and ketchup.
Cretzulina: cu placere!
Cretzulina: imi poti da un "multumesc"?
Cretzulina: bn, ms oricum
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