cine imi traduce si mie in engleza,va rog ''Consider ca arta este foarte importanta in viata oamenilor deoarece ea contribuie la dezvoltarea personalitatii.In zilele noastre exista multe expozitii pentru diferite categorii de oameni.Multe dintre tablourile de arta sunt excentrice,dar si asa oamenii cumpara picturile pentru a decora casele in mod placut.Arta ofera privitorului mistere sau chiar povestea unei vieti.Dedicandu-te artei te pori forma ca persoana si chiar sa exprimi ceea ce gandesti.''( fara google translate ca asa pot si eu)
macar daca te uitai si vedeai ca sunt si cuvinte in romana, ca sa nu te dai de gol ca e google translate
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
I think the art is very important in people's lives because it help at develop personality.
Now, there are many exhibitions for different tipe of people.More from paintings are eccentric , but after all people buy these paintings for decorate their homes in a beautiful way.
The art offers the viewer a sense of mistery and even a story of a life. Dedicating yourself you can form as a person and aven express your feelings and thoughts.
Now, there are many exhibitions for different tipe of people.More from paintings are eccentric , but after all people buy these paintings for decorate their homes in a beautiful way.
The art offers the viewer a sense of mistery and even a story of a life. Dedicating yourself you can form as a person and aven express your feelings and thoughts.
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