Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioniely, 10 ani în urmă

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era o zi frumoasa de vara. totul era linistit. o fata s-a dus la serviciu. Grabindu-se, ea a luat motocicleta. in timp ce mergea cu motocicleta, o masina a dat peste ea. lovind-o i s-a luxat piciorul. Pietonii strada vazand-o au sunat la 112 . in 5 minute, ambulanta a ajuns si a fost transportata la serviciul de urgenta. ajunsa la serviciul de urgenta, medicii au spus ca nu estew ceva grav. daca nu era atenta s-ar fi putut intampla ceva mai periculos. dupa cateva zile de stat la spital, s-a intrs acasa bucuroasa ca este teafara si nevatamata.      

ioniely: cel mai bun raspuns
ioniely: sau niste site-uri unde traducerile sunt corecte

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnnukaC
It was a beautiful summer day. Everything was quiet. A girl went to her job. Rushing, she took the motorcycle. While she was driving the motorcycle, a car hit her. Hitting her, her foot disjointed. The walkers,seeing her, they called at 112. In 5 minutes, the ambulance got there and she was transported at the emergency department. As soon as she got at the emergency department, the doctors told her that there is nothing serious. If she wasn;t carefully, it could happened something more dangerous. After a few days of hospital staying, she returned at home happily that she is hurtless and scatheless .

ioniely: ea am luat-o deja de indeva dar nu stiu daca e buna
ioniely: sunt in cls a 6 a poti sa-mi spui daca e buna
ioniely: It was a beautiful summer's day, all was quiet. a girl went to the service. Hurrying, it had taken a motorcycle. as he walked with a motorcycle, a machine has found it. by tapping it was lame foot. Pedestrians street seeing a had called the 112 . in 5 minutes, the ambulance arrived and has been transported to emergency service. arrived in emergency service, the doctors said he did not estew something very serious. If you do not was careful there could be something more dangerous.
ioniely: after a few days in the hospital, it was intrs home glad that is she safe and unharmed.
AnnukaC: Nu prea...intrs??? si vine she is safe...eu stiu alte cuvinte ,dar e ok si safe and unharmed :)
ioniely: deci e buna
ioniely: nu ?
AnnukaC: asa si asa,mai sunt greseli de articole
AnnukaC: Oricum,tu alegi pe care o vrei :) Ti-am spus ca nu am luat-o dupa net
ioniely: bn
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